Our power as women lies in our bodies, and the more that the outside world can get us to disconnect from that, the easier it is to control us. I've been on quite a journey with my own body throughout my life, and I really do believe that the way we are going to heal all of this and reconnect to ourselves is through embracing our menstrual cycles. The sacral chakra is the chakra that we as women draw the entire power from the universe through, and this is where our reproductive system is, and we need to reclaim and honor this space inside of us. I recently wrote a blog on my other site (www.courtney-nicole.com) about how I really feel like in this lifetime I am the embodiment of the Dark Goddess, and how those darker feminine aspects need to resurface in order for us as women to find balance within ourselves. I touch a little bit on Sacred Sexuality and that is a topic that I will probably be discussing a lot more in the future, as I learn more about it myself.
The good news is that wherever there is a problem facing girls there are always a lot of girl superheroes ready to solve it. As in the case of Project Girl:  

"PROJECT GIRL combines art, media literacy, and youth led activism.

PROJECT GIRL is a ground-breaking girl-led, arts-based initiative created to enable girls to become better informed critical consumers of mass media advertising and entertainment. In other words, to become more media literate.

PROJECT GIRL'S unique approach uses art as the means to educate, inspire, and create social change.. The Project Girl gives girls the structure to be the producers of their own culture, not just passive receivers of a culture that is trying to sell them something."

The website has a lot of really cool art exhibits made by the girls and I would definitely recommend checking it out!


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