When I look back at the history of the patriarchy, I find a very distinct connection with the Inquistion that took place and the loss of women’s voices. It seems like on an energetic level that is the time when women became silenced, and it became very ingrained in us that if we want to survive we need to comply with being in a submissive position, if we don’t then there will be very grave consquences.

In case you aren’t familiar with the Inquision or the Burning Times as they are sometimes called in witch commuities, it was a time in which the men wanted to take total control over spirituality as well as to push their own agenda of science and what has become modern medicine. When I say science I’m not referring to something like astronomy, but rather to the ideas of left-brained logic in which the only things that exist are those that you can prove. So it was also a way to eliminate creativity and the arts, which is another form of feminine expression. I guess you could say that they wanted complete and total control not just over people’s minds but people’s bodies, and in order to do that women had to be taken out.

In order to do this the men who were running the show, started rounding up women, torturing them and burning them at the stake. There were also men who were tortured and killed especially at the beginning of the Inquisition, but what the history books fail to mention is the reason why they were killed. The men who were killed during that time, were men who still worshipped the Goddess, and whose spritiual practices revolved around this sacred feminine knowledge. These men were a huge threat to all the other men, who wanted to push a male agenda, and wanted to do so by degrading and eliminating the Divine Feminine. These men had to be removed as well. A lot of these men, like the women killed during that time, were keepers of sacred knowledge on this planet, so when they died that knowledge died with them. After they killed these men, and the women who were deemed the most powerful in society, they then started to just kill any woman that they could. In one case they went into a town I believe in was in Germany, and by the time they left, there wasn’t one woman left in the entire town. They killed thousands of women all at once. It was no longer just about eliminating specific women, but about sending a powerful message to all women everywhere.

This took a very big toll on our collective, and caused a lot of fear and pain that we as women are still carrying around with us today. In order to gain back our voices, we as women really should be doing a lot of healing work around that time on this planet. It doesn’t really matter if you were one of the women (like me) who was tortured and killed during that time or not, because the imprint of it, affected our entire collective and made our throat chakras shut down. You can heal that time for yourself and all women, by meditating on it, doing meditations that help clear out your throat chakras, and by taking steps in your everyday life to speak your truth.

One really powerful way of doing this is to set up your own blog, and as I say that I am excited to announce a new project I’m going to be working on for 2014. I’m going on a journey of reclaiming sacred sexuality energies and will be blogging about my experiences and what insight I gain into this. As with any project it can always end up in a different direction then when it starts out in, so I don’t really know how this whole thing is going to unfold. What I do know is that we as women spend a lot of time talking about and healing sexual abuse and shame, yet we still don’t have a lot of positive images of healed female sexuality to draw from. While, it’s super important to focus on and talk about sexual abuse and objectification and everything we don’t want, I feel very strongly like if we don’t figure out what we do want, we’re kinda still going to be lost in all of this. I think if we can start finding and showing images of positive empowering female sexuality it will make it easier for all of us to heal, and to move into being these sacred sexuality goddesses. I feel like this is something that all women, including myself, really need at this time.

I’m going to end this blog with a comment about the title of this post. I started writing posts under the same title “I would much rather have my voice, than have a man” a few years ago, when women who stood up for themselves were pretty much deemed by society as being undateable. What I’ve found is not only is that not true, but the more you speak your truth, the more you attract men who are really wonderful and respect you a lot for being authentic. The good news is that now we’re moving very quickly into this new Matriarchal age, we as women can not only have the man of our dreams, but we can have all of them if that’s what we want! We’re in charge now J It’s time to put on our party shoes, and just have fun ladies!

Welcome to Seduction. 


***Right now the site is marked as private, and will be launching in 2014! 

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