As someone who's spent years healing myself, as well as working with some of the most powerful healers on this planet, I've often become frustrated with how I am able to heal from everything except this one wound and trauma. I've tried so many different things, but the severity of the wound only shows the importance of this relationship. Your mom is the first person you will ever have a relationship with. She uses her own body to create you, and think of how crazy it is that you exist inside of her for a very long time. Talk about closeness! You won't ever experience another relationship that can even compare. It is your first experience with love, and being in a love relationship. When you think of it like that, is it no surprise that in a lot of ways it sets the prescendence for some things in your life. Our society both completely degrades this relationship and completely puts it on a pedestal at the same time. Moms tend to be blamed for everything their child does, almost indicating that she is the most important influential person over them, yet at the same time our society works extremely hard to severe or outright destroy this relationship. We celebrate something like adoption, even while the mom is in the other room crying over the loss of her child. We've created surrogacy so that even men (for a price) can now raise children completely devoid of a mother, and we call this progress. We take children away from their mothers during court battles to place them in the hands of their abusive dads, in some of these cases these are babies who are still breastfeeding. We put a child's mother in jail for minor offences and put the child in the foster systerm where they won't have any protection from abuse. We know and it's been documented that the first few years of a babies life are crucial for their development and yet we don't offer any sort of paid maternity leave for women. Which means they oftentimes must go back to work before them or their child is ready. We deport a child's mom while not even giving her the option to take her child with her and instead put the child in the system.
We have placed the role of the father so high that while we are bombarded with study after study message after message that dad's are crucial to the lives of the children, we neglect the fact that almost all child abuse is happening at his hands, and some women stay in abusive relationship because they think it's better for their child to have an abusive dad then no dad at all. We demonize single moms over and over again, while celebrating single dads, even though most of them are single dads because they took the child away from her or his mother through the court system, or they created the child using surrogacy with the intention that they will be taken from her. Yet, where are all the studies talking about the affects this has on kids?
I think it's long overdue for this discussion to begin. For children in our society to finally have rights. For mother's to have rights. For us all to sit down look at this relationship and create a society that does everything in it's power to support it, in order to give children the best chance at success.
*The below link is about adoption and what the adoptees experience. I think reading about their experiences gives so much insight into this bond and why we as a society need to recognize it's importance and be working towards strengthening it.