I recently heard about two organizations that I wanted to share the first one (I love the website URL) is the:
The Young Women’s Empowerment Project is a community based youth lead project that was founded in 2001 by a radical feminist and harm reduction based collective of women and girls involved in the sex trade and street economy and our allies.
We were created by women and girls who believe that any girl can be empowered and that all girls are priceless, creative, and smart and can be leaders in their communities. We offer girls involved in the sex trade and street economy ages 12-23 non-judgmental support, harm reduction information and resources and we even have job opportunities and paid volunteer positions.
This organization is based in Chicago, if you would like to learn more about it you can check out their website below.
The second one is the:
NYI (New York Initiative)
A group of men and a woman, who have come together to help protect sex workers from the violence that they face. Since there is a serial killer on the loose in New York, and the cops aren't doing anything to help protect sex workers (or women in general), they decided to ban together to let women know that there is a group of people who support her, and want to make sure that she is safe. Since she can't call the cops and law enforcement and society at large treats women and girls as being disposable, this is a great solution, just to know that someone is there to help her, and that there are people in the public that care about all women, and want to make sure everyone is respected. They are also all trained in martial arts, and offer free defense classes, I believe for sex workers but it might actually be for everyone. You can like them on fb.