Women don't want wealthy men, we want men who support us.
In Cee-Lo's song "forget you" or "fuck you" depending on which version you're listening to, he talks about how this girl broke his heart and left him for for someone who is wealthy or at least wealthier than himself. He's upset at this girl, and actually at the guy as well, for this situation. While he is very good at blaming the girl for supposedly being a golddigger, he fails to understand how he directly created this situation he found himself in.
My whole life I've gotten two messages, one of which I as a woman should marry the wealthiest man I can find, another in which any girl who does this is considered bad, or basically a "kept whore". The logistics of the first part completely make sense. Up until recently women were and in much of the world and even in this country are still 100 percent dependent on men for survival. We don't have the luxury to marry for love, because we need to make sure that we will be with someone who can provide us with luxuries like food, and shelter. If your survival completely depends on the man you marry, than of course you will marry the wealthiest man you can find. The one who is the most established and will ensure that you will live a life in which you nor your children will starve to death, from shear lack of the ability to access resources around you.
However, as women become more and more independent, we are no longer 100 percent dependent on the male race for our survival. Yet, we as women haven't reached anywhere near our full potential or our complete independence. Even in a country like the United States, in which women are capable of becoming independent, we still face massive discrimination, lower wages because of our gender, and the push to outlaw our natural rights to our own bodies, which will make us completely dependent on the male race once again. Reproductive rights are one of the first things that you give women when you want to empower them, if you can hold off on pregnancy and have fewer mouths to feed, you will be able to obtain higher levels of education, and be able to support yourself, free from the dependency of a man. Taking that away, puts women back into having no opportunities available to us. One sign that I say in support of planned parenthood sums this all up, it stated: "I have my master's degree. Thank you planned parenthood."
So now we have women who don't have to marry necessarily for survival but can actually have the chance to marry for love. However, even the women who do have this new opportunity are still fighting constantly for any sort of equality, and its important to point out that in much of the world women still aren't close to having independence. So men want us to marry for love, without giving us 100 percent equality and making sure we can be 100 percent dependent on ourselves, and want to criticize women who eitiher can't or choose not to do this, all the while trying to hold us down and make us submissive? You guys can't have it both ways. You can't keep us in between two worlds and than get mad at us when we choose a wealthy man who will probably pay for that college degree we've been eyeing.
At the base of it more than money, or any other factor, the number one thing women want from men is: Support. We want men, all men, whether directly or indirectly in our lives to support us. We want you to stop getting in the way of us achieving our dreams, and to stop getting in the way of us creating a world that is safe for us. But if you guys are going to be controlling, manipulating, whiny little bitches, and keep us down and therefore dependent on you, than of course we will choose the wealthiest man in the universe to make sure our future is secure. If you want women to be in a position to marry for love, than you need to do more to make sure we are equal and aren't struggling in poverty or faced with the constant threat of it, and have that opportunity to marry for love not only available to us, but to all women. Maybe if Cee-Lo had just offered to pay for her college or to help support her emotionally, mentally, and physically while she went there, she wouldn't have left him for this other guy. But Judging from the song it sounds like Cee-Lo, like most men, is only willing to offer one form of support to women: financial. I would say this is the last of all the types of support we want from men, emotional would be the first, but if that's all we're going to get from you, and someone like Cee-Lo isn't even really going to offer you that, than of course we will once again go with the man who will not only offer us that type of support, but more of it than any other man.
Men need to learn to grow up, respect women, and stop complaining about how you guys are constantly victimized by the same exact system that you not only created in the first place to ensure that you will always be in positions of power over women, but the same system that you fight tooth and nail to maintain, because you want to always make sure that you directly benefit first and foremost.
My whole life I've gotten two messages, one of which I as a woman should marry the wealthiest man I can find, another in which any girl who does this is considered bad, or basically a "kept whore". The logistics of the first part completely make sense. Up until recently women were and in much of the world and even in this country are still 100 percent dependent on men for survival. We don't have the luxury to marry for love, because we need to make sure that we will be with someone who can provide us with luxuries like food, and shelter. If your survival completely depends on the man you marry, than of course you will marry the wealthiest man you can find. The one who is the most established and will ensure that you will live a life in which you nor your children will starve to death, from shear lack of the ability to access resources around you.
However, as women become more and more independent, we are no longer 100 percent dependent on the male race for our survival. Yet, we as women haven't reached anywhere near our full potential or our complete independence. Even in a country like the United States, in which women are capable of becoming independent, we still face massive discrimination, lower wages because of our gender, and the push to outlaw our natural rights to our own bodies, which will make us completely dependent on the male race once again. Reproductive rights are one of the first things that you give women when you want to empower them, if you can hold off on pregnancy and have fewer mouths to feed, you will be able to obtain higher levels of education, and be able to support yourself, free from the dependency of a man. Taking that away, puts women back into having no opportunities available to us. One sign that I say in support of planned parenthood sums this all up, it stated: "I have my master's degree. Thank you planned parenthood."
So now we have women who don't have to marry necessarily for survival but can actually have the chance to marry for love. However, even the women who do have this new opportunity are still fighting constantly for any sort of equality, and its important to point out that in much of the world women still aren't close to having independence. So men want us to marry for love, without giving us 100 percent equality and making sure we can be 100 percent dependent on ourselves, and want to criticize women who eitiher can't or choose not to do this, all the while trying to hold us down and make us submissive? You guys can't have it both ways. You can't keep us in between two worlds and than get mad at us when we choose a wealthy man who will probably pay for that college degree we've been eyeing.
At the base of it more than money, or any other factor, the number one thing women want from men is: Support. We want men, all men, whether directly or indirectly in our lives to support us. We want you to stop getting in the way of us achieving our dreams, and to stop getting in the way of us creating a world that is safe for us. But if you guys are going to be controlling, manipulating, whiny little bitches, and keep us down and therefore dependent on you, than of course we will choose the wealthiest man in the universe to make sure our future is secure. If you want women to be in a position to marry for love, than you need to do more to make sure we are equal and aren't struggling in poverty or faced with the constant threat of it, and have that opportunity to marry for love not only available to us, but to all women. Maybe if Cee-Lo had just offered to pay for her college or to help support her emotionally, mentally, and physically while she went there, she wouldn't have left him for this other guy. But Judging from the song it sounds like Cee-Lo, like most men, is only willing to offer one form of support to women: financial. I would say this is the last of all the types of support we want from men, emotional would be the first, but if that's all we're going to get from you, and someone like Cee-Lo isn't even really going to offer you that, than of course we will once again go with the man who will not only offer us that type of support, but more of it than any other man.
Men need to learn to grow up, respect women, and stop complaining about how you guys are constantly victimized by the same exact system that you not only created in the first place to ensure that you will always be in positions of power over women, but the same system that you fight tooth and nail to maintain, because you want to always make sure that you directly benefit first and foremost.