The whole Sh*t That Girls Say video series was definitely another failed attempt by men to try and silence us. It's also just completely inaccurate, if there were to be an actual Sh*t that Girls Say video it would go more along the lines of "why don't you stop making these stupid youtube videos, and actually go out and attend a pro-choice rally and help me gain my equality. Also stop allowing other men to treat me like shit." While the above comments were made by Republican men, they are pretty consistent of the type of shit that men have said to me my whole entire life. It doesn't matter what race, religion, nationality, socioeconomic background (or any other factor) the man has, pretty much when guys open their mouths you know something degrading towards women is about to come out of it. I think men genuinely think that women respect them though. Women and girls live in constant fear of men, and maybe they're mistaking that fear for respect, but trust me no one respects you. How could you respect a group of people who use fear to try to control you, instead of using love to try to empower you?

There are men that I personally do respect, but its only because they have integrity. They also respect and value me, because I'm a woman and seem to be concerned about making the world a better place for me. I am very much a mirror for people, you get back exactly what you give to me. You give me respect and you will get respect back. However, it doesn't change the fact that out of a group of 10 men, you would probably have to go through the first 9 making degrading comments towards you, just to find that one man who is nice to you. And that is a HUGE problem, and completely unacceptable.

I think then people would say well why don't women fight back? Well we do fight back a lot. But there are multiple reasons why as women we don't always stand up for ourselves. One of them is fear of possible retaliation, meaning the situation might escalate into violence and he might become violent towards you. It might be a situation at say your work place, and you know you will just be blamed for it and you might be fired, so it might just make the situation even worse for yourself. Or because quite frankly by that point we've usually just given up. When pretty much every man is mean to you constantly and there aren't really any men who stand up for you and are on your side, I mean how much time and energy can you spend every single day trying to put them in their place? And since most men refuse to take responsibility for themselves, when you do stand up for yourself they will usually just throw it right back in your face and say that you're are too sensitive or don't have a sense of humor. Basically, you can't win. So eventually you just kind of stop trying....

The one good thing about the 5D world that we are moving quickly towards is that it will be much easier to create your own reality, and you won't have to deal with all these misogynistic assholes anymore because their time left on this Earth plane is really limited at this point. Which is probably why they seem to be out in force now more than ever! Anyways, my reality is mostly going to consist of hot shirtless men who spend all their time worshipping me and everytime they open their mouths something really inspiring or intelligent will come out of it. They will spend the rest of their time showing me how much they appreciate me through building statues of me, or throwing giant celebrations in my honor, or maybe even writing songs about how amazing I am ;)

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