This story below is about a group of children in Bangladesh, along with help from adults in their community who are fighting against child marriage. They've been able to intervene and help end many marriages, including the one of this 13 year old girl mentioned in the article. In the article they say that the children are usually 50% successful in ending child marriages that they hear about just on their own. In the cases the children can't end it on their own they then have a group of adults who step in to stop it.
"The children are well versed in handling such scenarios; they don't argue, but methodically list the evils of child marriage. "We can't force them to listen to us," said Antara Tabassum, 16, one of the leaders of the child protection group in Nilphamari's Jaldhaka Upazila sub-district. "All we can do is show them that child marriage is a curse."
The intervention of such groups is a key reason why all 11 of Jaldhaka's unions or local councils have been able to declare their respective localities "child marriage-free zones" – no mean feat in a country where almost one in three children is married off before turning 15. According to Unicef data, 74% of Bangladeshi girls are married before the legal age of 18."
This is a wonderful link to girls from Malawi who talked about how they are fighting against child marriage in their country, as they celebrated International Day of the Girl!
*** What I love about the above video is that the energetic work that I do is all about helping empower women and girls, but it's rare that I ever get back confirmation that what I did helped. This was one of those cases in which I read about this girl in the above video on a tues night and she was suppose to be married off by thurs morning, and I did everything on an energetic level I could to stop this, and to get her back in school. I'm happy to hear that it helped, because everything she ended up with was stuff I worked on. I can clear things out an energetic level and put everything back into place, however if there are not people to put that energy into motion it will basically just sit there. So thank you to all the wonderful girl's rights activist everywhere, without all of you, none of this would be possible. If anyone is wondering how I do this work, because I'm sure it might be hard to understand, I may look like everyone else but I'm wired completely differently, so I'm already connected to pretty much every timeline that has ever run on this planet, which makes it very easy for me to go into any of them at any point and change them around. In cases in which women and girl's free-will rights are being violated or are about to be violated, I can help put everything back into alignment with Source which ensures that it's impossible for their rights under Universal Law to be violated by anyone. Any woman or girl could choose to not accept my help at any time, but I've never encountered one who hasn't wanted it. Every woman on this planet wants to be empowered :)